Due to a communication error and then me being away at planting last year a field of mine I rent to a potato guy was planted the opposite way to my normal tramline direction. The potato guy sumo’ed it for me at his cost to rectify it but now 8 months since planting it’s causing me issues as my sprayer can’t travel properly and causing some boom damage.
As said it was sumo’ed at about 30 degrees to the potato beds. I then tine drilled it at 90 degrees to the potato beds dragging more soil and then I rolled it. At the time it looked perfect but today it’s horrendous as the soils settled.
My first liquid fert application didn’t go on properly due to the booms not being able to keep up with the sprayer chassis moving. I’ve since had to put the rest of the fert on at 5km/hr and mixed with water to double the volume to reduce the forward speed. However I need a solution for this next year. See attached diagram but I’m unsure what to do. I can have the potato guys sumo free if I pull it but not sure it’s the right tool? Should I plough it across the ridges and then combi drill it slow but have the power Harrow dragging lots of soil?
As said it was sumo’ed at about 30 degrees to the potato beds. I then tine drilled it at 90 degrees to the potato beds dragging more soil and then I rolled it. At the time it looked perfect but today it’s horrendous as the soils settled.
My first liquid fert application didn’t go on properly due to the booms not being able to keep up with the sprayer chassis moving. I’ve since had to put the rest of the fert on at 5km/hr and mixed with water to double the volume to reduce the forward speed. However I need a solution for this next year. See attached diagram but I’m unsure what to do. I can have the potato guys sumo free if I pull it but not sure it’s the right tool? Should I plough it across the ridges and then combi drill it slow but have the power Harrow dragging lots of soil?