HLS Extension. Yes/No?


Livestock Farmer
Extended ours from August past. Looked into new schemes but rules and restrictions were loads worse, as was the money. Therefore decided to stick with what we’ve got. Going forward will see what happens after January. If prices look promising I would rather go back to being a proper farmer and maximise production and improve the marginal land that has gone backwards while being in schemes. Won’t have a jumped up little hitler trying to say how many and when sheep can go on the fell then!

and this is the pivot point upon which our fate will be decided...


Mixed Farmer
Not enough area on a summer fallow.... allegedly. But by the time I was aware of his "finding", it had all been ploughed and drilled with wheat for 3 months. RPA would not accept spray record from Greenstar as evidence the land had not been farmed.
Did they fine you for every year of your agreement


Arable Farmer
North Notts
Any updates on this thread?
I am coming up to my HLS renewal, I gather I'll be invited on an annual basis.
I'm tempted to roll it over until ELM scheme develops. Generally I haven't had a problem with inspections so far [touch wood]


Arable Farmer
North Notts
Its easier to renew than try to start replacing with anything else. Also quite like the scheme in general. I would be loath to pulling up waterside margins etc any way.
I might have just made my own mind up!


Arable Farmer
North Notts
Just had a word with my brother, he is quite well up on these things.
Easier to roll over while the new system evolves.
Apparently we will have the option to bolt on various additions later on to help make up for reducing SFP.
Being on the HLS shouldn't be a barrier to new funds, i.e.. extra funding for hedge rows or better soil management plans etc.
I'm inclined to roll it over for now.
He also says penalties for errors should be less severe, i.e. will apply on a pro rata level. Lets hope so👍


Livestock Farmer
East Sussex
The only word of caution on rolling these over is that while the scheme continues as it was you need to be sure that any penalties are also only on a year to year basis going forward.
The existing schemes if you were found to have a contravention then you could have money taken off for the whole of the scheme years it had been running.
I have queried this going forward and have not yet had a satisfactory answer that any penalties will not be for the whole period even after being rolled forward. My local Nature Reserve were advised to set up a new scheme rather than roll over due to this implication.


Arable Farmer
North Notts
Thanks Frank-the-Wool,
I have 2 months before I have to make a decision, I'll look into this. In theory, if they think I'm ok to roll over, that should be considered that they have agreed I have met the requirements to this stage.
Rules are supposed to be relaxing a little now we are out of EU????
Perhaps I'm being a little too optimistic


The only word of caution on rolling these over is that while the scheme continues as it was you need to be sure that any penalties are also only on a year to year basis going forward.
The existing schemes if you were found to have a contravention then you could have money taken off for the whole of the scheme years it had been running.
I have queried this going forward and have not yet had a satisfactory answer that any penalties will not be for the whole period even after being rolled forward. My local Nature Reserve were advised to set up a new scheme rather than roll over due to this implication.

October 2019 I had this discussion with my NE Advisor. HLS & ELS. Have rolled on for the last 2 years. The reply was clear......During the extension period, any breaches discovered on specific items will be penalised on the full term of the agreement (I.e. the Initial 10 years, and any further extended years)......I could not get any movement out of that decision unfortunately. Very interesting that which @Extreme Optimist has mentioned before.....Would this apply in this instance should a breach be discovered? or is it only for invoices outstanding?

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

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  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

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