farmer phil
- Location
- Derby, uk
Having laboriously drilled thousands of acres over the last 35 years with various power harrow/drill configurations, we've bit the bullet this year and bought a s/hand horsch sprinter on duett coulters. To say I'm dissappointed is an understatement. We know very little about how these things are supposed to work but weve spent ages messing about with altering the depth to try and get a consistent job but we're really struggling. It seems the leading point is cutting a slot into the soil (sumoed) and the coulter is then dropping the seed behind in a band, but some of the seed (maybe 30/40%) is falling into the slot, whereas the rest is in the band, if we set the depth correctly for the band, the slot is 2 inches deeper, if we set for the slot, the band is only on the surface and not covered. The soil is not particularly heavy, and is slightly damp but not wet or anything untoward. I know it would drill lovely with the combi. The points are very good, and the band bit behind seems good to me although I don't really know what to compare with.
So my question is this, are we doing something wrong or is this normal for these coulters and do we give up until we've put some different openers on?
Thanks in advance
So my question is this, are we doing something wrong or is this normal for these coulters and do we give up until we've put some different openers on?
Thanks in advance