- Location
- Portland, Victoria - Australia
Have a 200kg ish hiefer in yards from tennat farmer, whos not a farmer.
Bad worm infestation, poor cond, spraying her poop.
Spoke to vet, as i gave ivermectin drench, and multin min subcutaneous injection.
Gave prnicilian for respiratory infection and relief.
Not alot of literature on how long it takes fir pour on drenchh to work.
Ive never let cattle get poor. This ones a mess.
Shes in the yards on dry hay and lucerne hay.
How longs it take to get the poop to stiffen up? Is the ivermectin killin worms within 48 hours?
Shes better tham when i got her out of the paddock, she was very week, fell over a couple of times.
Cattle never been worth so much and the bloke cant look after them, crazy.
Any other nutritional things i can do while she's in the yards? She i keep her off grass completely?
Im worried about giving more ivermectin to quick because of toxicity. Can u give another active to help kill worms or is it to much on the animal.
Bad worm infestation, poor cond, spraying her poop.
Spoke to vet, as i gave ivermectin drench, and multin min subcutaneous injection.
Gave prnicilian for respiratory infection and relief.
Not alot of literature on how long it takes fir pour on drenchh to work.
Ive never let cattle get poor. This ones a mess.
Shes in the yards on dry hay and lucerne hay.
How longs it take to get the poop to stiffen up? Is the ivermectin killin worms within 48 hours?
Shes better tham when i got her out of the paddock, she was very week, fell over a couple of times.
Cattle never been worth so much and the bloke cant look after them, crazy.
Any other nutritional things i can do while she's in the yards? She i keep her off grass completely?
Im worried about giving more ivermectin to quick because of toxicity. Can u give another active to help kill worms or is it to much on the animal.