Currently have some lambs indoors hoping to finish on TMR.
Having problems with the going lame no scald visual but lame.
Mineral rep called round on Friday and was telling me of a dairyfarm that had changed ration and was having lameness issues turned out the new cheaper feed had no yeast in it and was causing laminitis.
Which got me wondering if this could be the cause of our lameness in the lambs.
TMR consist of haylage sugarbeet soyameal,rape meal, barley, molasses and minerals.
Anyone else had similar issues or can shed any light on the yeast effect?
Having problems with the going lame no scald visual but lame.
Mineral rep called round on Friday and was telling me of a dairyfarm that had changed ration and was having lameness issues turned out the new cheaper feed had no yeast in it and was causing laminitis.
Which got me wondering if this could be the cause of our lameness in the lambs.
TMR consist of haylage sugarbeet soyameal,rape meal, barley, molasses and minerals.
Anyone else had similar issues or can shed any light on the yeast effect?