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  1. CPM RSS

    OSR new season: A recipe for success

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF In a bid to retain valuable oilseed rape within rotations, growers and agronomists are devising multi-faceted ‘recipes’ to help improve the establishment success rate of the crop. CPM finds out more. By Janine Adamson Much like the...
  2. Barley

    Flea beetle

    Has anyone else noticed very few flea beetle in the harvested osr?
  3. CPM RSS

    Early drilled wheat: Getting ahead

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With the recent washout autumn proving a stark reminder of the volatilities of Mother Nature, some growers will be conscious to drill winter cereals as early as realistically viable, to avoid missing out altogether. CPM speaks to experts...
  4. CPM RSS

    Sugar beet survey: Smart sugar beet

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With the development of the Conviso Smart system offering a lifeline to sugar beet growers struggling to grow the break crop, CPM explores how it can be best deployed on farm. By Charlotte Cunningham Although sugar beet growers have...
  5. CPM RSS

    Real Results Roundtable: Battling brome

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Brome is proving an increasingly difficult weed to control with populations of all species reportedly on the rise. CPM brings together stakeholders from across the industry to discuss, as part of this month’s Real Results Roundtable. By...
  6. DrDunc

    Blatant profiteering by SAC consulting

    Future Scottish Farm subsidy payments will require that we, quite rightly, sample and analyse our soil The SAC consulting have therefore taken upon themselves to double their fee to provide an analysis Blatant profiteering. barstewards Food has become a luxury that fewer and fewer farmers can...
  7. CPM RSS

    Genetic diversity helps overcome challenging seasons

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine With the past two seasons illustrating the value of spreading risk, opting for crop varieties with different parentage may pay dividends, is the message from the trade. According to Andrew Bourne from T Denne and Sons, this season has been the worst...
  8. roscoe erf

    Oliver Walston has passed

    Sad to here liked his comments and attitude
  9. Cab-over Pete

    Selling Weed Killer

    Aye-up, Some of you may know we recently took over a retail business selling everything from feeds to bedding to coal and general rural supplies. We are regularly asked if we sell weed killers, but nobody seems to want to buy the ready to use Roundup squirty stuff we stock, and I can’t say I...
  10. texelburger

    Yields 2024

    With harvest upon us I wonder what yields will be like this season.Our first patches of OSR were desiccated on July 5th so probably won't start until 26th.Very difficult to predict the yield but not expecting too much.Wheat was quite diseased so I expect yield to be well down too.Spring Oats,for...
  11. W

    Glysophate pack size

    Can you buy glysophate in 200 litre drums or in an ibc?
  12. J

    Liquid fertiliser

    Hi all, just wondering I've heard some of you mention on previous threads about melting granular urea in water to make a spray able product? My fodder beet needs spraying for weeds and needs some nitrogen, I was wondering about asking my sprayer man to do the fert as well? Is it possible, and...
  13. W

    IPM3 and Winter Oats

    My SFI agreement includes IPM3 (companion crop, not cover crop) for fields I intended to put into winter rape. I'm now going to plant winter oats instead, which are still eligible for a companion crop. To retain nutrients and create a mulch as RPA says. Any experience or suggestions for species...
  14. Humble Village Farmer

    Farmer survey on farm assurance.

    I found this in the small print of an AHDB email...
  15. Agriland RSS

    Advice: Using a dock herbicide on red clover swards

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has granted two temporary herbicide licences for dock control purposes in newly established red clover swards. The period of authorisation is from June 15 to October 15. However, the reality...
  16. Badshot

    American/Canadian milling wheat varieties

    We import these wheats to add to the grist I believe. What are they? Are they agronomically ok? How hard is it to import seed? Just interested in other countries crops that we import and use over our own really.
  17. S

    Graham winter wheat

    How much disease does everyone have present in this variety at this stage? Mine seems to have lost all its lower leaves leaving just the flag leaf and the one below it and these two also have disease present. Just wondering if this is normal it's had three fungicides now.
  18. Tompkins

    Resistant ryegrass

    So I've got one field that is getting terrible for ryegrass. Planted maize this time thinking we could easily control it, wrong! Admittedly timing of Samson at full rate may have been a little late but I can't believe how it has come back in the last week. The maize itself seems OK at the moment...
  19. Brisel

    Tine drill - wide & slow?

    I'm currently looking at tine drill options as our strip till system is making our blackgrass problems worse - to the point that blackgrass levels are dictating cropping & cultivation policy. What I need is a tine drill that can cope with brashy stone, and be capable of sowing into unmoved...
  20. Flat 10

    Derogation for later establishment of spring sown options eg ab9?

    Did I dream this? I was sure that following the wet spring the end of may timeline had been increased but I can't find any links to it. Can someone confirm or deny with a link if possible? Many thanks