
  1. spin cycle


    starting a new thread so i can have a 'rant' sfi.....Fekked Up Beyond All Recognition what happens now?,,,,are we? 1/supposed to put 25% of land into conservation then take that money and subsidise food ergo putting it mr tesco's pocket? 2/ have 'bird cover entitlements' been created so...
  2. Yale

    New limits to SFI.
  3. Laggard

    Blackgrass nearly heading

    Doesn’t look far off sticking out a seed head?
  4. Agriland RSS

    Lemken and Krone ‘combine powers’ to expand utility of field robots

    Written by Justin Roberts from Agriland The joint venture between Lemken and Krone to produce an autonomous tractor will be stepping up a gear this season with the companies appearing to have now thrown their full weight behind the project. Known as Combined Powers, the new joint division...
  5. W

    Spring drilling

    Anyone managed to grab bits? I grabbed some real light bits but any clay and it’s a wet shitty mess. Not sure when to throw the towel in and go for sfi
  6. graham mc

    Inhibitors for Urea (solid or liquid) for applications from 1st April

    just a reminder to make sure your orders are in and if not your paperwork is in order Dont want anyone falling foul of the red tractor policing unit as you know they will be clipboards at the ready with eyes on the forecast for lack or rain etc God help anyone that has a RT Audit coming up in...
  7. S

    Mower Claas doesn't cut properly

    I bought a second-hand Claas Disco 3200 Contour mower with conditioner and when the grass is wet it sticks to the bar and leaves rows uncut. Cuts very poorly in wet conditions. Will I have to change the bottom or the plates? I putted some grass where it gets stuck when moisture.
  8. Jerry

    Hogs at £200 plus….what price shearling ewes?

    I’ve a number of last years ewe lambs running , the plan was to sell half as shearling breeding ewes as they are decent sorts. But the price of hogs at the moment means they need to be £250 plus as shearlings……
  9. Adeptandy

    Amazone Cayenna

    As above, looking at an 6m Anyone using one ? Are they any good in a DD situation ?
  10. Wigeon

    Winter cover crops on heavy land... what a disaster

    I farm heavy silty clay with flints. No ditches, no land drains. Good strong wheat land, if unforgiving. I've been trying to grow cover crops on and off for the last 9 yrs. With one exception, they have all been disastrous. Summer cover crops in place of a spring crop, on the other hand, can...
  11. W

    Twin lamb disease

    Hi all, looking for some advice please. Having some difficulty with twin lamb, had 5 cases in 48 hours in freshly housed ewes. Details Problem specifically in twins. No issues in trips or singles. Twins were on good quality stubble turnips until last Weekend (2 weeks out from lambing)...
  12. M

    Skyfall - How late dare you sow?

    Got some Skyfall seed wheat left, but unsure how late I dare sow? Cambs/Norfolk. Anyone had any previous experience drilling it this late?
  13. bobk

    Looking grim .......

    10th of March , next 10 days is shite , turning in to the year of shiteness , El Nino can fo .
  14. Banana Bar

    Malting barley shortage

    Quickly approaching the end of optimal timing for spring barley planting. Although the planned area will be substantially higher than normal how much will now get drilled vs a catch crop and what does get drilled will surely be at risk of being poor quality. Another 8mm today FFS! BB
  15. paul&mandy

    Grazing turnips upto lambing.

    Due to being so wet we housed all fat lambs and there now all gone off cake probably got about 15 acres of very big roots for ewes left. They are due in a month and I've got lifeline buckets out for them, is there anything I need to be watching grazing this? I could vit drench them tomorrow...
  16. Agriland RSS

    Machinery Focus: Sky Agriculture keeps Sulky simplicity

    Written by Justin Roberts from Agriland Amidst all the talk of the wonders of technology and how farming is being transformed, it is often overlooked that it has to be operated at farm level by people who are not as versed in software engineering. There are a few companies which are now...
  17. bobk

    Accord drill setting for NUM3

    Anyone hazard a guess at sowing this stuff at 7kg an acre , not sure what seed it's similar to
  18. B

    no till

    if no till becomes a sfi option will we be able to claim twice a year ? for instance if doing over winter cover crop then a spring crop just a thought
  19. CPM RSS

    Spring slug risk

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine After high autumn slug pressure and a mild, wet winter, growers are encouraged to assess and manage risk of damage to spring cereals. Keith Walters, professor of invertebrate biology and pest management at Harper Adams University, says slug...
  20. M


    Morning All Just wondered if anyone has had any expiences with a Dutzi rotavator with legs? Any good as a single pass? Would we be able to put wheat in after maize with one or would it just turn it to S#*t the same as a conventional rotavator as the bledes look different. Also reliabaility and...