I have about 5 acres of badly managed pasture which I am looking to put into a more diverse regenerative/conservation grazing system. The field was put into a 3 year grass ley about 15 years ago. It is split into drought prone sand consisting mainly of very unproductive ryegrass and ragwort and a more diverse but very weedy end on a silty soil which regularly floods.
I am looking to move the field into a more diverse regenerative/conservation grazing system. I appreciate both parts of the field are going to require a different approach, but I would like to establish a long term low input grazing ley with a diverse sward, based around legumes, herbs and grasses. This would hopefully address the drought, improve soil health, improve our cattle's diet, benefit the birds and bees, sequester carbon and be an interesting experiment.
The field will be grazed by low stocking numbers of cattle and occasionally sheep. It will not be required to be cut for feed, but can be as a management tool. The soil structure is good in the top inch.
The problem is I am not sure how best to approach it, the options I am considering at the moment (open to suggestions) are:
Trim the existing grass as short as possible, harrow aggressively, broadcast seed, roll and hope
Plough, harrow, broadcast seed and roll - I don’t want to smash the structure I have in order to get good seed/soil contact.
The biggest issue I foresee is having a wireworm problem, I have found a couple every time i’ve dug a hole in the field, but also getting the seed mix wrong, weed control in a diverse mixture, and having a limited lifespan before reverting back to the current situation in 5 years or so.
Help or suggestions appreciated.
I am looking to move the field into a more diverse regenerative/conservation grazing system. I appreciate both parts of the field are going to require a different approach, but I would like to establish a long term low input grazing ley with a diverse sward, based around legumes, herbs and grasses. This would hopefully address the drought, improve soil health, improve our cattle's diet, benefit the birds and bees, sequester carbon and be an interesting experiment.
The field will be grazed by low stocking numbers of cattle and occasionally sheep. It will not be required to be cut for feed, but can be as a management tool. The soil structure is good in the top inch.
The problem is I am not sure how best to approach it, the options I am considering at the moment (open to suggestions) are:
Trim the existing grass as short as possible, harrow aggressively, broadcast seed, roll and hope
Plough, harrow, broadcast seed and roll - I don’t want to smash the structure I have in order to get good seed/soil contact.
The biggest issue I foresee is having a wireworm problem, I have found a couple every time i’ve dug a hole in the field, but also getting the seed mix wrong, weed control in a diverse mixture, and having a limited lifespan before reverting back to the current situation in 5 years or so.
Help or suggestions appreciated.