Had a very disappointing 1st cut of an Italian Ryegrass (Diploid), see attached analysis. This was established autumn 18.
In harvest 19 it produced 12t/ac of silage and then 3t/ac of hay. It was then over wintered grazed by sheep from October - Feb. It was fed 80kg/ha N and 40kg/ha So3 before the silage cut and then the same before the hay. It’s then had sheep manure from the grazing.
before 1st cut this year it had 80kg N and 40kg so3 like in 2019 but it’s yielded very poorly at 3.6t/ac.
Now obviously it’s been dry and I know that’s affected it but this is on some very heavy black clay soil with very high magnesium levels so is always wet. The P & K indices are 3 from tests done in 2018/19.
Is the analysis directly connected to lack of rainfall or is there something else? Prior to 1st cut this year the crop looked good - see attached picture. And then see pics after mowing. It was cut just before it was coming into head.
It was put down as a 3 year ley so half way through it’s life cycle and after 1st cut this year we have put digestate on it hoping for a 2nd cut. The digestate has given it 95kg/ha of available N.
In harvest 19 it produced 12t/ac of silage and then 3t/ac of hay. It was then over wintered grazed by sheep from October - Feb. It was fed 80kg/ha N and 40kg/ha So3 before the silage cut and then the same before the hay. It’s then had sheep manure from the grazing.
before 1st cut this year it had 80kg N and 40kg so3 like in 2019 but it’s yielded very poorly at 3.6t/ac.
Now obviously it’s been dry and I know that’s affected it but this is on some very heavy black clay soil with very high magnesium levels so is always wet. The P & K indices are 3 from tests done in 2018/19.
Is the analysis directly connected to lack of rainfall or is there something else? Prior to 1st cut this year the crop looked good - see attached picture. And then see pics after mowing. It was cut just before it was coming into head.
It was put down as a 3 year ley so half way through it’s life cycle and after 1st cut this year we have put digestate on it hoping for a 2nd cut. The digestate has given it 95kg/ha of available N.