Hello all, we currently making around 300 4 foot round bales of hay per year, all sold as horse feed. Once winter set in we started to see some mould on the outside layer of the bale. It’s like a green dusty mould. Once you take off the first layer the bales are really nice but the outside is putting people off. Noticed it over the last couple of years too. The shed is open fronted, has tin roof and concrete floor, all stored on pallets too and we normally pressure wash the shed out before we put the next years crop in. I feel it must be in the storage of the bales in stead of the conditions they’re made in because the rest of the bales are perfect. The bales are a mix of meadow hay and ryegrass mix. Any recommendations for storage and preventing mould or is there a spray we can use in the baler for either the whole bale or just when the bale is being wrapped at the end for the outside layer? Bales were made in perfect conditions, does anyone leave them out for a day and then put them in the shed or get them in the shed as soon as baled? Thanks in advance!