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  1. M


    We are looking at spraying approx. 24/25 acres (about 10 Hectares). Can anyone give me some hourly rates and fees, in the local or surrounding areas? WD6 3BA. Also, does this include the chemical or are we buying it? Please can someone also confirm if GRAZEON can be boomsprayed? We were...
  2. CPM RSS

    Potato agronomy: Winning the war on volunteers

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The potato industry and those that rent out land to grow the crop have to take a robust, joined up approach to reduce numbers of volunteers, which cause a long list of agronomic problems across crop rotations. CPM investigates. By Rob...
  3. F

    How Do I Kill Himalayan Balsam?

    This plant seems to have taken over in wet areas this year and I was wondering about the best way to kill it without using Glyphosphate as it is on grassland. What other sprays will do it? Not by a Watercourse so no issues there.
  4. Hilly


    I want to tidy up my silage fields , docks thistles ,, what do you recommend chem wise , docks will be the worst ..
  5. Broomy


    What’s best for killing dandelions in my lawn ? I’ve got mcpa and 24D in the shed. Tia
  6. Laggard


    What will kill mayweed in winter wheat without using SU please?
  7. David.

    Creeping thistle or Sow thistle.

    I have some ground going into vegetables and also into sunflowers. The thistles are putting on good growth and everything else was taken out by a Feb Glyphosate application. I really want to do the thistles properly, roots and all, but not leave potentially crop-damaging chemical residue. What's...
  8. B

    Black grass sprays in forage maize

    What chemical options are people using to control black grass in forage maize? Last year I used PDM pre-em and a nicosulfuron post em but poor results. Would dual gold or wing -P alongside PDM be a more robust pre-em option for black grass ? I know they are not cheap!! thanks
  9. PSQ

    Any solution to Cow Parsley in OSR?

    Cow parsley is creeping into certain areas of the farm. It can seemingly be controlled reasonably well with SU's in wheat, but Its the OSR stage of the rotation thats letting the area it covers expand, and Astrokerb or Belkar don't seem to touch it, neither has a test with Korvetto (Arylex...
  10. CPM RSS

    OSR weed control: Smooth operator

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A difficult season for herbicide application is likely to have resulted in an unwanted bounty of weeds in oilseed rape crops. With the final window having arrived for mastering some control, CPM digs deeper into the role of water...
  11. carbonfibre farmer

    Beet 2024

    Being as its the first of March. I'm sure British Sugar would like us to start drilling.....! Anyone started yet. (We haven't lifted last year's yet🤐) I know @Breckland Boy likes an early beet thread 😉😄
  12. Ed @ Farmdeals

    Begin your Crop protection shopping

    Given the current state of the market, weather conditions, and input costs, it's crucial to secure the best possible prices for your agricultural needs. We are now offering spot prices for a wide selection of crop protection chemicals. Log in to Farmdeals and reduce your input costs. Popular...
  13. Ed @ Farmdeals

    Early bird crop protection deals

    Take advantage of hefty early bird discounts on a range of crop protection chemicals. Log in to see the prices here: Click here Or drop us a message to get a quote. Collective Our Glyphosate collective ends this Sunday (4th February). Make sure to join the collective before the deal end date...
  14. Great In Grass

    Game Cover Mixtures with some germ failures

    Northern Shot Mixture; 35% Spring Triticale 25% Spring Barley 20% Spring Wheat (Fail 82% Germ) 10% Kale 5% Hybrid Brassica 2% Chicory (Fail 56% Germ) 2% Yellow Blossom Clover 1% Green Fennel Pack size 20kg Delivered price £2.25 per kilo Minimum order size 40kgs (2 x 20kg pack) Sowing rate 50...
  15. B


    Hello all just a quick one what sprays are out there that can tackle Bristly Oxtongue in a grass lay for hay, not sure why but they have suddenly appeared in a great number. I have also got a small problem with Flatweed. Not sure if there is a chemical that can tackle both without affect the...
  16. CPM RSS

    Weed control: Companion conservation

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Is it possible to successfully companion crop oilseed rape to help control cabbage stem flea beetle and claim SFI payments, while keeping weeds firmly under control? CPM investigates. By Janine Adamson Planting a companion crop...
  17. Y

    What kills red clover?

    Whilst killing as few other species of grasses/ herbal ley as possible please? I'm convinced its come in a seed mix that shouldn't have had any but of course the seed company are swearing no one else has complained and it must've self seeded - not in this volume it hasnt in one year :o Cheers.
  18. B


    I have. A lot of this taking over pasture what would the ground have to little of or to much of
  19. T

    Potatoes after Sugar Beet

    Any disadvantages or risks to growing potatoes after Sugar beet on well bodied black land? Not had potatoes for 7 years previously , low PCN count . Potato varieties will be Agria and Maris Piper Thanks
  20. AKA

    OSR companion crops

    Never sown companion crops with the OSR before but got fields surrounded by woods/trees destined for it this year when we get the wheat off. Was wanting something that might grow taller than the OSR without smothering it to deter pigeons landing in it. Think buckwheat might tick this box? Any...