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Meat free monday


This is my sons school, (the post is nothing to do with me), i have been in contact with the headmaster and catering manager and written 2 letters about meat free monday , last night i saw this and my son confirmed that it is in the queue for the dining hall. I have Provided actual figures from gov or recognized sources for all of the points and i have taken him to task on this and his take on the compelling health benefits of less meat and dairy.

I have invited him to our farm to see what happens and the technologies that are in agriculture and have chat about how the school can be in tune with its local environment.

I think that the poster was probably devised by the eco committee at school who wanted the school to do meat free monday , so the research has been straight from vegan websites i would think.
I asked the head to correct the misleading info with figures i supplied or other official ones and to make sure the kids have education on fake news and how educated students should challenge any info and investigate themselves rather than believing any old crap from vested interests.
I believe from Twitter that the NFU Education team are keen to contact the school if you want to contact them

Tim G

Livestock Farmer
This is my sons school, (the post is nothing to do with me), i have been in contact with the headmaster and catering manager and written 2 letters about meat free monday , last night i saw this and my son confirmed that it is in the queue for the dining hall. I have Provided actual figures from gov or recognized sources for all of the points and i have taken him to task on this and his take on the compelling health benefits of less meat and dairy.

I have invited him to our farm to see what happens and the technologies that are in agriculture and have chat about how the school can be in tune with its local environment.

I think that the poster was probably devised by the eco committee at school who wanted the school to do meat free monday , so the research has been straight from vegan websites i would think.
I asked the head to correct the misleading info with figures i supplied or other official ones and to make sure the kids have education on fake news and how educated students should challenge any info and investigate themselves rather than believing any old crap from vested interests.
Brilliant work.
Thats the trouble with these figures, they get pushed around by enough people/websites and they suddenly must be true! The water one gets me, I think they include the rain that falls on the ground that animals are grazing. I had a argument with a vegan who started quoting these 'water use in a beef burger' figures and when I challenged it I was told its on the Internet for all to see, as if that made it fact. Incidentally, this vegan then told me my opinion didn't count as I wasn't a proper farmer because my parents didn't farm. When I said that her parents weren't vegans so her opinion couldn't count either she called me a few choice names and I walked away!

Ted M

Livestock Farmer
A quick google search of “meat free Monday’s” shows that it is promoted by the Meat Free Monday’s Foundation, which is a registered charity.
The following comes with a health warning: only open if your blood pressure is under control!

It was launched by Paul McCartney and family in 2009.
If they’re a registered charity, are they obliged to publish accurate information and not mislead the public?
I wouldn't be surprised if its McCartney and his zero beef pals behind this sort of thing.
They actively set out to target schools and have a whole raft of carefully manipulated "facts" on their facebook page regarding water usage and the like.


It certain is McCartney behind it. "Meat Free Monday's" is just a working name for Meat Free Monday Limited (company number 07002331). Two directors, James Paul McCartney (wonder why he dropped the James?) and Richard Ewbank. The latter is McCartney's CFO in the holding company he owns. Both are vegan loons making money out of their business interests in hyperprocessed cr@p food for vegans.


Mixed Farmer
That poster is nothing short of scandalous. This recirculating of outright lies around the internet is hugely damaging and it's getting to the point where it's almost impossible to rectify.

Part of me thinks fekk the lot of you, if you want to go vegan and make yourself ill then go right ahead, it's your life. But when they are brainwashing children it becomes a whole other level of sinister. That's what is so outrageous about all this.

Any chance we can get to know the school involved please so we can write to them and their governors? If enough of us do it might make the news and make a small difference.


Livestock Farmer
That poster is nothing short of scandalous. This recirculating of outright lies around the internet is hugely damaging and it's getting to the point where it's almost impossible to rectify.

Part of me thinks fekk the lot of you, if you want to go vegan and make yourself ill then go right ahead, it's your life. But when they are brainwashing children it becomes a whole other level of sinister. That's what is so outrageous about all this.

Any chance we can get to know the school involved please so we can write to them and their governors? If enough of us do it might make the news and make a small difference.
I'm hoping I can get this on a PM here or DM on Twitter and then let NFU Education make first contact. Maybe a more positive outcome than some of our (justifiable ) outrage

Speaking to a contact older than myself, he was citing how with the naval blockades in WW2 and the mass reduction in livestock in the UK, we almost could have starved with the cropping getting poorer every year through lack of animal manure fertility


Mixed Farmer
This is my sons school, (the post is nothing to do with me), i have been in contact with the headmaster and catering manager and written 2 letters about meat free monday , last night i saw this and my son confirmed that it is in the queue for the dining hall. I have Provided actual figures from gov or recognized sources for all of the points and i have taken him to task on this and his take on the compelling health benefits of less meat and dairy.

I have invited him to our farm to see what happens and the technologies that are in agriculture and have chat about how the school can be in tune with its local environment.

I think that the poster was probably devised by the eco committee at school who wanted the school to do meat free monday , so the research has been straight from vegan websites i would think.
I asked the head to correct the misleading info with figures i supplied or other official ones and to make sure the kids have education on fake news and how educated students should challenge any info and investigate themselves rather than believing any old crap from vested interests.
Well done,we should all be doing this.


Well bugger it, think I need to some cattle. There’s water standing all over my arable land so by the figures quoted surely a few coos will slurp it all up for me, and we’ll be in drought conditions before you know it ?‍♂️

Good point this!!!

“Cows can prevent UK floods” would be just what the public want. A true public good, absorbing it before it reaches the city floodplains!


Mixed Farmer

Saw this on facebook, someone's kids school is doing meat free Monday and this is the banner for it.
How can this be countered?

I see no reference on the poster to their sources of data, red rag straight away.

All our Industry bodies should be crawling all over this to debunk the crap contained.

Is there any value in complaining to the charities commission? Spreading misinformation and lies surly must be of interest them?

Never did like the Beetles either.....


Mid Hampshire
I’m not sure what age your son is @Dalos or how confident he is but he could use it as a springboard for a school campaign.

Source his information (properly referenced), gather a group of like minded fellow pupils (any other farm children in the school?), write a letter to the headteacher to demand retraction of the poster and preferably meat free Mondays in general.
If that fails protest outside the dinner hall with other like minded souls.

If nothing happens and he wants to go full French take all the posters down and use them to light an effigy of the headteacher in the playground ?

Campaigning at school/college is great for self development and you soon realise that authority needs questioning or even ignoring at times.

Nav man

Arable Farmer
My children’s primary school is doing this- ?, we have tried to educate the school like I’m sure most others have done. We contacted our local NFU chairman and he rang the school immediately and has offered to take them out for lunch (meat only?) to educate them. I wonder how much the local authority can save by dropping meat from menu, which I think is fuelling this as well.


Livestock Farmer
I Had my meeting with the school Nutritionalist and catering manager but not the head , he is hopefully coming out to the farm soon ,
After my letter they looked into the info that they got off the meat free monday website and looked at the backing of the organisation and were quite shocked that it was a vegan promotion and that all the information on the fact sheet was so wrong. They kept a copy that i provided of the counter argument i put to them, and the fact that they were responsible for 284000 liters of water usage per pupil per year using the same figures as the burger example. 800 pupils on 36 hectares of school grounds.
They are not going to do M F M again although they want to try and give a broad range of food. The food waste is 9.5 % at the school which sounds ok to me as some talk of 30% being average
They told me that they put on butchery demonstrations and sausage making as well as street food days where the vegan stall was desolate so they wont bother with that again.
The farmer parents that wrote in have had a positive effect and i would urge everyone to write and be vocal when places that you have an interest in make the wrong decisions and use dubious data to support it.


I Had my meeting with the school Nutritionalist and catering manager but not the head , he is hopefully coming out to the farm soon ,
After my letter they looked into the info that they got off the meat free monday website and looked at the backing of the organisation and were quite shocked that it was a vegan promotion and that all the information on the fact sheet was so wrong. They kept a copy that i provided of the counter argument i put to them, and the fact that they were responsible for 284000 liters of water usage per pupil per year using the same figures as the burger example. 800 pupils on 36 hectares of school grounds.
They are not going to do M F M again although they want to try and give a broad range of food. The food waste is 9.5 % at the school which sounds ok to me as some talk of 30% being average
They told me that they put on butchery demonstrations and sausage making as well as street food days where the vegan stall was desolate so they wont bother with that again.
The farmer parents that wrote in have had a positive effect and i would urge everyone to write and be vocal when places that you have an interest in make the wrong decisions and use dubious data to support it.
36 Hectares of school grounds?


Livestock Farmer
I Had my meeting with the school Nutritionalist and catering manager but not the head , he is hopefully coming out to the farm soon ,
After my letter they looked into the info that they got off the meat free monday website and looked at the backing of the organisation and were quite shocked that it was a vegan promotion and that all the information on the fact sheet was so wrong. They kept a copy that i provided of the counter argument i put to them, and the fact that they were responsible for 284000 liters of water usage per pupil per year using the same figures as the burger example. 800 pupils on 36 hectares of school grounds.
They are not going to do M F M again although they want to try and give a broad range of food. The food waste is 9.5 % at the school which sounds ok to me as some talk of 30% being average
They told me that they put on butchery demonstrations and sausage making as well as street food days where the vegan stall was desolate so they wont bother with that again.
The farmer parents that wrote in have had a positive effect and i would urge everyone to write and be vocal when places that you have an interest in make the wrong decisions and use dubious data to support it.
Well done, this is a lesson to everyone.
Each and every one of us can make a difference . (y)

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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  • 50
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...