deleted user 436632456
I going to translate some of the favourite key phrases new employees have said to me over the last few months, note all the one's that have said these to me have become the departed.
I'm really going through a if I don't laugh.. I will cry stage currently with recruitment.
I like to keep a clean tractor - I'm going to throw my toys out of the pram when you ask me to clean my tractor but what I will do is pick the most inappropriate moments to decide when I personally feel like cleaning my tractor, this will probably be randomly throughout the day especially when the harvester is waiting but you know I need a good pic for social media.
I hate standing about doing nothing, I like to be kept busy - Basically I like to make myself look busy and talk a real good days work but I'm going to skive off work at every possible chance I can.
I'm mad for work, give me all the hours you can - I'm keen to work but I don't really have time to work because my social calendar is soo busy, do you not know that there was a lockdown the last year? My friends phone me to go day drinking/on random trips during the working week and it would be rude not to. I'm actually really going to struggle to achieve 30 hours work a week but could you still pay me for 50?
If you pay peanuts you get monkeys - I personally know that my worth is basically net zero but if I use this phrase an employer will think that I'm really good and will pay me the kings ransom per hour.
I could get £2 amount more per hour working for x - The other contractor is offering me more money on a self-employed basis, I don't have to worry about PAYE, NI, Holiday pay, Sick pay, pension and other perks of the job because the extra £2 more than covers it. And of course I can just ring my current employer on a rainy day and then get p*issed at him when he tells me that he doesn't have any work for me.
What way do the holidays work? - I've only worked here for 2 weeks but I would really like to take 3 weeks of paid leave, could I have the bank transfer now? I really need the holiday pay for a trip I'm taking. What do you mean that you have to earn your holidays? That really doesn't sound right, I'm going to contact the citizens advice.
N.b. It's amazing how many will tell you how keen they are for work during the interview but I have now worked out that it is a complete BS statement, It's been RED FLAGGED for future reference.
The search for the diamonds in the rough continues...
I'm really going through a if I don't laugh.. I will cry stage currently with recruitment.
I like to keep a clean tractor - I'm going to throw my toys out of the pram when you ask me to clean my tractor but what I will do is pick the most inappropriate moments to decide when I personally feel like cleaning my tractor, this will probably be randomly throughout the day especially when the harvester is waiting but you know I need a good pic for social media.
I hate standing about doing nothing, I like to be kept busy - Basically I like to make myself look busy and talk a real good days work but I'm going to skive off work at every possible chance I can.
I'm mad for work, give me all the hours you can - I'm keen to work but I don't really have time to work because my social calendar is soo busy, do you not know that there was a lockdown the last year? My friends phone me to go day drinking/on random trips during the working week and it would be rude not to. I'm actually really going to struggle to achieve 30 hours work a week but could you still pay me for 50?
If you pay peanuts you get monkeys - I personally know that my worth is basically net zero but if I use this phrase an employer will think that I'm really good and will pay me the kings ransom per hour.
I could get £2 amount more per hour working for x - The other contractor is offering me more money on a self-employed basis, I don't have to worry about PAYE, NI, Holiday pay, Sick pay, pension and other perks of the job because the extra £2 more than covers it. And of course I can just ring my current employer on a rainy day and then get p*issed at him when he tells me that he doesn't have any work for me.
What way do the holidays work? - I've only worked here for 2 weeks but I would really like to take 3 weeks of paid leave, could I have the bank transfer now? I really need the holiday pay for a trip I'm taking. What do you mean that you have to earn your holidays? That really doesn't sound right, I'm going to contact the citizens advice.
N.b. It's amazing how many will tell you how keen they are for work during the interview but I have now worked out that it is a complete BS statement, It's been RED FLAGGED for future reference.
The search for the diamonds in the rough continues...