Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland
Wide variability in maize, grass and cereal crops, due to this season’s turbulent weather, could put extra pressure on silage strategies on dairy farms this winter, a forage expert is predicting.
However, Volac’s Ken Stroud said there is still time to respond by doing the best possible job when harvesting and conserving remaining grass silage cuts and maize.
Stroud said the wet spring meant many first-cut grass silage crops were taken when grass was past its nutritional peak.
Added to that, he said much of the extra maize grown this season has been on marginal land where farmers were unable to plant winter wheat, and maize crops sown late because of the wet spring suffered a lack of initial heat.
“A lot of wheat for wholecrop was also drilled late and wheat has been hit hard by disease. All these factors are set to put extra strain on stocks of winter silage,” he said.
“That said, all is certainly not lost. Farmers still have time to respond by making sure they maximise both the quantity and quality of the maize harvest and of remaining grass cuts.
“Attention to detail with steps such as harvesting, additive choice and ensiling technique to minimise losses will be essential.”
Stroud said good grass silage can still be made in September, but shorter days and dews at night mean tedding as soon as possible after mowing to shorten wilting times and reduce in-field quality losses will be crucial.
“Similarly, maize silage could take on added significance as an energy source in winter dairy rations, so harvesting on time will be key. Too many maize crops are harvested when leaves are dying off,” he said.
“Dead leaves are not only less digestible, so cows can’t derive as much energy from them, but are prone to growth of yeasts and moulds, which feed on the silage’s dry matter (DM) and energy in the clamp, causing silage to heat up.
Ideally, harvest maize at 30-33% DM and while still green, Stroud said.
“Green leaves contain sugar, and are also easier to consolidate in the clamp, which is important because air in silage allows the yeasts and moulds to start growing.
“With all silage crops, choosing the correct type of silage additive is also essential.”
Also Read: MPs enrol on NFU’s Food and Farming Fellowship scheme to back British food
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However, Volac’s Ken Stroud said there is still time to respond by doing the best possible job when harvesting and conserving remaining grass silage cuts and maize.
Stroud said the wet spring meant many first-cut grass silage crops were taken when grass was past its nutritional peak.
Added to that, he said much of the extra maize grown this season has been on marginal land where farmers were unable to plant winter wheat, and maize crops sown late because of the wet spring suffered a lack of initial heat.
“A lot of wheat for wholecrop was also drilled late and wheat has been hit hard by disease. All these factors are set to put extra strain on stocks of winter silage,” he said.
“That said, all is certainly not lost. Farmers still have time to respond by making sure they maximise both the quantity and quality of the maize harvest and of remaining grass cuts.
“Attention to detail with steps such as harvesting, additive choice and ensiling technique to minimise losses will be essential.”
Stroud said good grass silage can still be made in September, but shorter days and dews at night mean tedding as soon as possible after mowing to shorten wilting times and reduce in-field quality losses will be crucial.
“Similarly, maize silage could take on added significance as an energy source in winter dairy rations, so harvesting on time will be key. Too many maize crops are harvested when leaves are dying off,” he said.
“Dead leaves are not only less digestible, so cows can’t derive as much energy from them, but are prone to growth of yeasts and moulds, which feed on the silage’s dry matter (DM) and energy in the clamp, causing silage to heat up.
“They also reduce silage palatability, and moulds produce mycotoxins which affect cow performance.”
Ideally, harvest maize at 30-33% DM and while still green, Stroud said.
“Green leaves contain sugar, and are also easier to consolidate in the clamp, which is important because air in silage allows the yeasts and moulds to start growing.
“With all silage crops, choosing the correct type of silage additive is also essential.”
Also Read: MPs enrol on NFU’s Food and Farming Fellowship scheme to back British food
The post Varied season could put pressure on dairy farm silage strategies appeared first on Agriland.co.uk.
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