Chaired by Tom Allen-Stevens, CPM Editor
With the pesticide armoury available to UK arable growers shrinking fast due to regulation or resistance, this session explores other cost-effective solutions to tackle weeds, pests and disease.
• Dr Roma Gwynn of BioRationale explores the potential of biopesticides, such as insect-killing bacteria, in tackling pests and diseases on UK arable farms.
• Dr Rachel Wells, John Innes Centre provides an insight into how breeding for genetic resistance to cabbage stem flea beetle could provide the answer that growers are looking for.
• Dr Samantha Cook, behavioural ecologist at Rothamsted Research, considers how natural enemies like parasitic wasps, as well as trap crops and colour diversity, could help combat pest like flea and pollen beetle.
• John Cussans, NIAB tackles blackgrass control options as resistance forces arable farmers to rethink everything from the rotation to cultivations and herbicide timings.
• Katie Bliss, Agricology, joins the Q&A panel session
Tom Allen-Stevens, Editor - Crop Production Magazine (CPM)
Roma L Gwynn, Director - Biorationale Limited
Rachel Wells, Senior Scientist, Department of Crop Genetics - John Innes Centre
Katie Bliss, Agroecologist - Agricology, Organic Research Centre
Sam Cook, Senior Research Scientist - Rothamsted Research
John Cussans, Agronomy KT Development Manager & Weed Biology Specialist - NIAB