Does Barnier really represent what national governments want out of a leaving deal or are some of them cursing him?

I did not realise you had been designated as spokesperson for UK exporters, congratulations on the position. Would the UK be happy with a FTA or simple trade?
Surely a FTA has to be the preferable option, otherwise why would the majority of forward thinking trading Nations be so keen to have them or at the very least get most favoured Nation status.

If a country has little production industry then there is no point having free trade as that by default hampers any attempt to create such industry.

An FTA is not needed nor wanted.

In the short term this will create inflation but it will also increase the Tax revenue and jobs.
Fact is we haven't let things go too far with EU integration. It seems many missed the point of Brexit. It's our independencs. It may or may not cost in financial terms in the short term but at least it won't cost a civil war.
We'll have real independence not the kind of independence ROI has.

I hope so, but we won't know till the problems hit home.

Regardless UK Politicians will be held to account rather than faceless and unaccountable EU bureacrats.


Oh dear, those last two posts, especially the second last one, have me questioning my very sanity. I think I need to improve my diet or something, as either I’m losing my memory, or worse still, the last vestiges of my cognitive function, have just ground to a sudden stop.


Oh dear, those last two posts, especially the second last one, have me questioning my very sanity. I think I need to improve my diet or something, as either I’m losing my memory, or worse still, the last vestiges of my cognitive function, have just ground to a sudden stop.
How very perceptive. At last. :p


How about we take the heat out the thread and leave it be. The title asked a question and I’d suggest the answer is yes and yes. Maybe all the brexiteers (and others) on here should realise Ashy is somewhat of a wind up merchant and you all take the bait too easily.
love him really, he makes some good points, pity he's on the wrong side.
Oh dear, those last two posts, especially the second last one, have me questioning my very sanity. I think I need to improve my diet or something, as either I’m losing my memory, or worse still, the last vestiges of my cognitive function, have just ground to a sudden stop.

Scared of replying ?
No, I’m convinced it’s not me. He wants to hold the government accountable for not closing the borders, and not delivering rampant inflation .....

I mean, I take my zinc C every day. It can’t be me!

Either the existing debt will have to be erased or wages increased to pay for that debt. The result will be lower value currency and higher prices - but the debt will be devalued.

Interest rates will have no effect on debt.


Either the existing debt will have to be erased or wages increased to pay for that debt. The result will be lower value currency and higher prices - but the debt will be devalued.

Interest rates will have no effect on debt.

Foreign direct investment declines. Imports prices inflate, in the effort to protect domestic producers. Competitiveness and innovation go to hell in a handcart. Rising cost of living drives civil unrest. Trades unions demand ever more money to counter cost of living. Vicious circle of money chasing money .... more inflation .... the vicious circle feeds itself. Oh, scariest of all, your credit worthiness gets downgraded! Ever more difficult to roll over debt commitments! Government needs more money! Taxes go up .....
The best and the brightest (remember those ... the people Boris promised to bring in from the rest of the world, instead of the poor and bedraggled in leaky boats) would now leave Britain in their droves. More competitiveness, more innovation, more skills lost. NHS can no longer hold essential skills. Longer waiting lists.
Seventies all over again. Brain drain! British Leyland! Ford Dagenham capitulated to a 17% pay demand from workers. Winter of discontent I think they called it.
Back to the future eh!!! Pssst .... the scary IMF were circling ..... we saw those guys up close not so long ago ..... I recommend you try to keep a wide berth .... keep a close eye on @Danllan .... I'm genuinely worried he has gone over to your side of the economic fence .....

Muck Spreader

Livestock Farmer
If a country has little production industry then there is no point having free trade as that by default hampers any attempt to create such industry.

An FTA is not needed nor wanted.

In the short term this will create inflation but it will also increase the Tax revenue and jobs.

So you aren't bothered about the continued selling of UK services into the EU either.


Sir Gar / Carms
Foreign direct investment declines. Imports prices inflate, in the effort to protect domestic producers. Competitiveness and innovation go to hell in a handcart. Rising cost of living drives civil unrest. Trades unions demand ever more money to counter cost of living. Vicious circle of money chasing money .... more inflation .... the vicious circle feeds itself. Oh, scariest of all, your credit worthiness gets downgraded! Ever more difficult to roll over debt commitments! Government needs more money! Taxes go up .....
The best and the brightest (remember those ... the people Boris promised to bring in from the rest of the world, instead of the poor and bedraggled in leaky boats) would now leave Britain in their droves. More competitiveness, more innovation, more skills lost. NHS can no longer hold essential skills. Longer waiting lists.
Seventies all over again. Brain drain! British Leyland! Ford Dagenham capitulated to a 17% pay demand from workers. Winter of discontent I think they called it.
Back to the future eh!!! Pssst .... the scary IMF were circling ..... we saw those guys up close not so long ago ..... I recommend you try to keep a wide berth .... keep a close eye on @Danllan .... I'm genuinely worried he has gone over to your side of the economic fence .....
Explain which side of the economic fence you think he and I - and you for that matter - are on.
love him really, he makes some good points, pity he's on the wrong side.
That’s actually the thing missed, people jump on him because he winds them up, not primarily because he is wrong. He’s also not alone, I’d say we could find a fair few of the EU residents, of all nationalities, who share Ashys opinion and would (After 4 yrs) like us to just f**k off, and couldn’t give a sh!t if the UK sank or swam.


Sir Gar / Carms
That’s actually the thing missed, people jump on him because he winds them up, not primarily because he is wrong. He’s also not alone, I’d say we could find a fair few of the EU residents, of all nationalities, who share Ashys opinion and would (After 4 yrs) like us to just fudge off, and couldn’t give a sh!t if the UK sank or swam.
I wonder if you are missing - deliberately or otherwise - that he doesn't wish us well; certainly any objective reading of a great many of his posts reveal little but vitriol and ill-will toward us... he is also wrong, mis-representative and dishonest, a lot. (y)


Remember years ago in the heydays days of the Ford Cortina / Corsair, Hillman Hunter etc, it was common to have a little nodding (bobble head) donkey, or cow etc, stuck inside the back window. And on and on the nodding misfortune, nodded away in near tune to the undulations of the road, and the driving style of the driver!
This forum sadly has been invaded and overwhelmed by possibly a small majority / large minority (remind you of any referendum?), who ape the misfortunate bobble head in the back of the Cortina. (Pssst ... I had a Mark II back in the day, with that marvellous bench seat and column shift).
The drivers pitch their Brexiteer logic and commentary (EU is bricking itself, individual EU countries will devour each other to get a deal with John Bull, it’s all the same in any case as the whole thing will be bankrupt next week, Merkel will shoot Barnier, they need us more than ... yawn.. yawn.. etc, etc,,,)
And lo and behold, the bobble heads nod along, they even shift their asses to pen a post in agreement, and they like, indeed love the drivers posts. Then they like each other’s posts .... I often wonder, if likes on here are a sort of pseudo currency, which in time can be traded on the post Brexit TFF Exchange! Should I in self interest I wonder suck up to a few, so I too can earn a stash of this future tradable currency?
To all you bobble heads on here (think farmers ), remember the fate of the Titanic? The unsinkable (think, “they need us more than we need them”), steamed carelessly into an immovable object (think integrity of the single market), captained by an irresponsible officer (think the rascal who resides in No 10).
Me, I’m up on the bridge, shouting icebergs ahead, but it seems the officers get annoyed. The party is in full swing, the food is superlative, the orchestra sublime. Full steam a head they say!
Meanwhile from my vantage point on the bridge, I can see exactly who is shuffling near the life boats. Hmmm, is that a core group of the finest Brexiteer Officer class I see in the best positions??

Keep calm conductor of the orchestra, and play on.


East Sussex.
Remember years ago in the heydays days of the Ford Cortina / Corsair, Hillman Hunter etc, it was common to have a little nodding (bobble head) donkey, or cow etc, stuck inside the back window. And on and on the nodding misfortune, nodded away in near tune to the undulations of the road, and the driving style of the driver!
This forum sadly has been invaded and overwhelmed by possibly a small majority / large minority (remind you of any referendum?), who ape the misfortunate bobble head in the back of the Cortina. (Pssst ... I had a Mark II back in the day, with that marvellous bench seat and column shift).
The drivers pitch their Brexiteer logic and commentary (EU is bricking itself, individual EU countries will devour each other to get a deal with John Bull, it’s all the same in any case as the whole thing will be bankrupt next week, Merkel will shoot Barnier, they need us more than ... yawn.. yawn.. etc, etc,,,)
And lo and behold, the bobble heads nod along, they even shift their asses to pen a post in agreement, and they like, indeed love the drivers posts. Then they like each other’s posts .... I often wonder, if likes on here are a sort of pseudo currency, which in time can be traded on the post Brexit TFF Exchange! Should I in self interest I wonder suck up to a few, so I too can earn a stash of this future tradable currency?
To all you bobble heads on here (think farmers ), remember the fate of the Titanic? The unsinkable (think, “they need us more than we need them”), steamed carelessly into an immovable object (think integrity of the single market), captained by an irresponsible officer (think the rascal who resides in No 10).
Me, I’m up on the bridge, shouting icebergs ahead, but it seems the officers get annoyed. The party is in full swing, the food is superlative, the orchestra sublime. Full steam a head they say!
Meanwhile from my vantage point on the bridge, I can see exactly who is shuffling near the life boats. Hmmm, is that a core group of the finest Brexiteer Officer class I see in the best positions??

Keep calm conductor of the orchestra, and play on.

So obviously a cry out..... "Please give me more likes". "My likes percentage is sooooooo low".


Mixed Farmer
I wonder if you are missing - deliberately or otherwise - that he doesn't wish us well; certainly any objective reading of a great many of his posts reveal little but vitriol and ill-will toward us... he is also wrong, mis-representative and dishonest, a lot. (y)
I dont think he wishes anyone unwell.He just points out the sheer stupidity of Brexit.


Mixed Farmer
Remember years ago in the heydays days of the Ford Cortina / Corsair, Hillman Hunter etc, it was common to have a little nodding (bobble head) donkey, or cow etc, stuck inside the back window. And on and on the nodding misfortune, nodded away in near tune to the undulations of the road, and the driving style of the driver!
This forum sadly has been invaded and overwhelmed by possibly a small majority / large minority (remind you of any referendum?), who ape the misfortunate bobble head in the back of the Cortina. (Pssst ... I had a Mark II back in the day, with that marvellous bench seat and column shift).
The drivers pitch their Brexiteer logic and commentary (EU is bricking itself, individual EU countries will devour each other to get a deal with John Bull, it’s all the same in any case as the whole thing will be bankrupt next week, Merkel will shoot Barnier, they need us more than ... yawn.. yawn.. etc, etc,,,)
And lo and behold, the bobble heads nod along, they even shift their asses to pen a post in agreement, and they like, indeed love the drivers posts. Then they like each other’s posts .... I often wonder, if likes on here are a sort of pseudo currency, which in time can be traded on the post Brexit TFF Exchange! Should I in self interest I wonder suck up to a few, so I too can earn a stash of this future tradable currency?
To all you bobble heads on here (think farmers ), remember the fate of the Titanic? The unsinkable (think, “they need us more than we need them”), steamed carelessly into an immovable object (think integrity of the single market), captained by an irresponsible officer (think the rascal who resides in No 10).
Me, I’m up on the bridge, shouting icebergs ahead, but it seems the officers get annoyed. The party is in full swing, the food is superlative, the orchestra sublime. Full steam a head they say!
Meanwhile from my vantage point on the bridge, I can see exactly who is shuffling near the life boats. Hmmm, is that a core group of the finest Brexiteer Officer class I see in the best positions??

Keep calm conductor of the orchestra, and play on.
The best ones were of a little fella that dropped his pants and mooned at passing motorists.Stuck on the back or side window,they always raised a few laughs.
I wonder if you are missing - deliberately or otherwise - that he doesn't wish us well; certainly any objective reading of a great many of his posts reveal little but vitriol and ill-will toward us... he is also wrong, mis-representative and dishonest, a lot. (y)
I don’t know if he wishes us well or not, what I do think is he has the ability (and right) to be bang on the money when pointing out how some of the TFF Crowd can’t see any wrong, risk or issue despite the stupidity, the incompetence, the lies and U turns our Brexit Government demonstrate on a daily basis. Ash has proved he knows how to touch a nerve, and what I have witnessed on here is when someone touches a nerve so raw as attract the attention Ash does - he probably has a point and many who scorn him know it, because instead of responding with valid counter arguments, his objectors tend to lash out. IMO of course. Anyway we shall soon see if he is right and will also get the answer the OP asks.


Sir Gar / Carms
I dont think he wishes anyone unwell.He just points out the sheer stupidity of Brexit.
Thank goodness you can be so objective... :)

I don’t know if he wishes us well or not, what I do think is he has the ability (and right) to be bang on the money when pointing out how some of the TFF Crowd can’t see any wrong, risk or issue despite the stupidity, the incompetence, the lies and U turns our Brexit Government demonstrate on a daily basis. Ash has proved he knows how to touch a nerve, and what I have witnessed on here is when someone touches a nerve so raw as attract the attention Ash does - he probably has a point and many who scorn him know it, because instead of responding with valid counter arguments, his objectors tend to lash out. IMO of course. Anyway we shall soon see if he is right and will also get the answer the OP asks.
A bit of trite psychology there; I base my assessment on the catalogue of his content, not just bits I disagree or - sometimes - agree with. What you write indicates you are as blinkered as those you criticise, but merely with a generally opposite view.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...