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  1. N

    Dry cows mix

    Hi just wanting peoples advice. We usually fed our dry cows bale silage but nearly out this year. We have plenty average clamp first cut and maize silage and brewers grains. What mix would people recommend?
  2. Will 1594

    T 0

    started today on some good wheat on silt
  3. Derrick Hughes

    SAM 3 Seed Mixes

    Sam 3 SFI Other mixes available 07415121700 SAM3 50 % Aston Crusader Hybrid Ryegrass 10% Meribel Italian Ryegrass 10% Lofa Festulolium 7% Timothy 3% Cocksfoot 3% Crimson , 4% Balansa, 4% Red Clover 8.15% Vetch 0.30 Chicory 0.40 Plantain 0.05 Yarrow 0.05 Burnet 0.05 Sheeps...
  4. W

    Spring drilling

    Anyone managed to grab bits? I grabbed some real light bits but any clay and it’s a wet shitty mess. Not sure when to throw the towel in and go for sfi
  5. O


    Looking at AB10’as an option under mid tier at £1072 ha it’s an interesting option. Continuous Spring cereals which you never harvest. Just wanted to know of anyone who could tell me the pit falls?
  6. steveR

    Herbal Ley survival?

    I was walking one of my "herbal leys" yesterday, and it looks as if the herb constituent has given up the ghost, bar a bit of white clover. The wet winter with the heavy clay lying wet for weeks on end is not conducive to the ley's survival I find. The easier land has seen a better success long...
  7. Billboy1

    autumn winter options

    Im thinking about what to put on the fields before ahl2 next year after wheat ,some sort of cover crop or offer it to local dairy men to puts some westerwolds in a bit like they do before maize
  8. Wigeon

    Winter cover crops on heavy land... what a disaster

    I farm heavy silty clay with flints. No ditches, no land drains. Good strong wheat land, if unforgiving. I've been trying to grow cover crops on and off for the last 9 yrs. With one exception, they have all been disastrous. Summer cover crops in place of a spring crop, on the other hand, can...
  9. cquick

    Pimp My Maize Drill

    So I thought I'd post my adventures in pimping my Kuhn maize drill for the upcoming season. I use the drill for maize, pumpkins and OSR, where I run ahead with a subsoiler and follow down the lines with the drill. Sort of like strip-till but not quite. I'd like to use it in a truly no-till...
  10. CPM RSS

    Grain maize: Take a chance on grain maize

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Maize is fast growing in popularity with increasing numbers of arable farmers believing it capable of delivering significant production, economic and even environmental benefits. CPM evaluates its potential. By Rob Jones With the...
  11. CPM RSS

    BBRO BeetTech: Yield lag closing

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Growers learned about progress being made to find solutions to virus yellows in sugar beet at the recent BBRO BeetTech 24 event. CPM joined delegates to hear the latest updates. By Mike Abram The yield penalty from sugar beet varieties...
  12. CPM RSS

    Drills: Dynamic drills

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Innovation never stands still and with focus moving towards environmentally conscious management, the drill and planter section of the machinery industry is no exception. CPM takes a look at some of the newest products and updates...
  13. CPM RSS

    Product in focus: In a class of its own

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As Revystar XE enters its fifth season of use, CPM takes a deep dive into the active ingredients in it to understand the journey so far and the science behind the product’s consistent performance. By Janine Adamson Launching a new plant...
  14. bobk

    Looking grim .......

    10th of March , next 10 days is shite , turning in to the year of shiteness , El Nino can fo .
  15. jimmer

    Pure stand of chicory

    Tempted to try a pure stand of chicory rather than turnips or kale/rape treat it as a break crop and full reseed in autumn Dry field several access points Thoughts?
  16. A

    Up Horn/Down Corn

    A biggish fat lamb (50kg?) is worth £160. (the same as a ton of barley) A small fat beast (500kg) is worth £1600. (the same as 10 tons of barley). Has the value of finished stock compared to the price of grain ever been a high during the last 10,000 years?
  17. carbonfibre farmer

    Beet 2024

    Being as its the first of March. I'm sure British Sugar would like us to start drilling.....! Anyone started yet. (We haven't lifted last year's yet🤐) I know @Breckland Boy likes an early beet thread 😉😄
  18. neilo

    Arable FBT soil testing

    Chatting with my agronomist this morning and he was telling me how some FBT agreements, down in more arable areas, had clauses in them requiring the land to be soil tested at the beginning and end of the term with a full spectrum analysis, with a charge to put right any degradation. I've heard...
  19. curlietailz

    Defra Cereal Stocks Survey - February 2024

    Just got an email Are they getting twitchy ?
  20. sahara

    SFI Options and Grassweeds

    What are people's thoughts on how they will manage Blackgrass and or Rye Grass in options like Wild Bird Food or Legume fallows? I've been reading through the SFI handbook and have found some options that would be a good fit for us, but I'm nervous of planting something that becomes swamped by...