Dangerous Dan
Afternoon everybody. As the title says, I'm looking for a cheap wheel loader. I've spoken to a few dealers and they are quoting 21k upwards for a machine. Unfortunately our finances just wont stretch that far. The reasons for wanting a wheel loader are.....we rear calves in a barn and need a small machine to get into pens without disturbing others. Looking at something that can comfortably lift 800kg(provin bag) lift bales from a stack, move straw about and muck out. Would rather have side entry rather than skid steer through front. Another reason is children and visibility. Reason for wanting a machine? My body is really starting to struggle doing things by hand. (Pulled back shifting metal work few years ago and its never been right since).
Like i said, dealers are quoting 21k plus and they all say that second hand models are like hens teeth. What other options do i have? Really hoping you guys can help. Budget on finance would probably be £2-250 a month for now......
Like i said, dealers are quoting 21k plus and they all say that second hand models are like hens teeth. What other options do i have? Really hoping you guys can help. Budget on finance would probably be £2-250 a month for now......