Concerned sheep owner
Hi, I’ve just witnessed a new born lamb being kicked in the ribs which knocked it off it’s feet, allowing the farm worker to grab one of it’s hind limbs. They then proceeded to drag it into a trailer to entice the ewe to follow, she didn’t immediately respond so the lamb was dragged out and around the trailer until she followed. The farm’s practice seems to be to catch all sheep and lambs soon after birth and move them to an adjacent field do I don’t think this is an isolated incident.
I’ve previously seen the same farm worker remove a lamb from the trailer, again by picking it up by a hind leg and throwing it onto the ground.
This practice does not seem humane to me but I not a farmer (although do keep some sheep) I would be interested to hear from those of you with more experience before reporting this incident to the farmer or other authorities.
I’ve previously seen the same farm worker remove a lamb from the trailer, again by picking it up by a hind leg and throwing it onto the ground.
This practice does not seem humane to me but I not a farmer (although do keep some sheep) I would be interested to hear from those of you with more experience before reporting this incident to the farmer or other authorities.