Anyone else lost the ability to have a 'normal' conversation in a non farming environment after a years lockdown in isolation, or is it just me?! Visit to Docs etc .. for the life of me, when asked the question, I can only think of pee, p*ss or sh*t ....... urine or faeces totally elude me! Top of the memory for a conversation is the last calving that involved a vet or worries / implications surrounding the possible / probable ending of badging culling .... neither subject of interest to a non farmer and likely to get me into trouble! I have not the slightest interest in what seems to be riveting to those outside the farming circle. Who did what to who in various TV soaps or which washing up liquid is best for soft hands! I'd only be interested in which washing up liquid cleans up a dirty calf's bum ready for market! I'm ostracised in townie circles as I cant talk in depth about these important matters. Mind you, maybe they think I have something nasty because of the bit of blue spray I missed washing off! or perhaps a whiff of cow about me? I'm too ancient for YFC and Wi, whilst brilliant in what they do, would drive me ..and them .. bonkers. Why cant we have an ancient and creaky YFC! Hey Ho. I'll go back and talk to my 'girls'. They like me!! .. probably because I smell like them!!