How do you now the right time to roll a pp paddock, as we need to get onto our to remove a lot of poaching and damage caused by the previous owners horses left out all weather. Tipped a trailer of muck two weeks ago, and the land carried the tractor ok - leaving relatively shallow tractor and trailer tyre imprints, but turning whilst reversing the trailer to tip scuffed a bit of the turf up in one area.
We did harrow it last year to try and knock off the tops, flatten the mole hills etc, then had sheep on it to help - but impact of the horse footings have proven a bit to much for the sheep unfortunately, hence my question into how to know the right time to limit the damage done.
The ground is quite wet currently after the recent rains, so really looking to understand in order to be ready.
How do you now the right time to roll a pp paddock, as we need to get onto our to remove a lot of poaching and damage caused by the previous owners horses left out all weather. Tipped a trailer of muck two weeks ago, and the land carried the tractor ok - leaving relatively shallow tractor and trailer tyre imprints, but turning whilst reversing the trailer to tip scuffed a bit of the turf up in one area.
We did harrow it last year to try and knock off the tops, flatten the mole hills etc, then had sheep on it to help - but impact of the horse footings have proven a bit to much for the sheep unfortunately, hence my question into how to know the right time to limit the damage done.
The ground is quite wet currently after the recent rains, so really looking to understand in order to be ready.